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Now based in Las Vegas and active in production since 1999, JMR continues to release exciting videos of battling beauties in a variety of fantasy fights and erotic duels!

NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download
NL-1045DL  THE CIVILIZED WAY  Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets  Download

NL-1045DL THE CIVILIZED WAY Tilly McReese vs Cali Sweets Download

Regular price $35.99 Sale


TILLY McREESE and CALI SWEETS get together to settle in private a dispute triggered by the Irish gal's flirtatious behavior the previous night... With Cali's husband.  

The women agree that this affair of honor should be dealt with in a non-violent fashion, and what better way to get the job done than with an erotic test of each other's stamina? 
This smoldering woman-to-woman showdown gets started with first Tilly and then Cali submitting to a thorough, invasive and humiliating strip and (wo)manhandling by her rival.  Then, the Irish babe and the ebony beauty press lips together in a sensuous kissing session, the tongues meeting as strings of saliva are left hanging from the women's mouths.  

Tilly and Cali at this point throw themselves wholeheartedly into their no-limits sex battle, taking each other around the room, on the carpet, against the wall, stimulating and ravishing each other with fingers and tongues before linking up woman-to-woman for a lesbian scissors finale.   

Smoldering, passionate sexual competition with no limits!    

46 minutes, 1.65 GB.  The Tilly vs. Cali XXX duel is presented in 
1280 x 720 screen format, available as WMV or MP4.  

This feature was originally produced as a custom video.  
Are you interested in having your own fantasy fight or erotic contest done as a custom video?  
Contact JMR by email:  

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